
A Lahey Hospital & Medical Center Research Lab

The Ian C. Summerhayes Cell and Molecular Biology (ICSCMB) Lab

The ICSCMB lab is focused on the discovery of new genes and cellular pathways implicated in cancer, enhancing understanding of how genetic variations affect the development and progression of cancer. A major focus of the research is to characterize the molecular changes in cancer patients’ tumors by analyzing DNA, RNA and proteins in the tumors and other bodily fluid. The molecular changes can be used as biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis and prediction of response/resistance to treatment. The lab seeks to facilitate translational application of these findings, first to clinical research in oncology, then to patient care. Of course, the ultimate goal is for physicians to use these markers to select the best treatment with the fewest side effects for each patient.

Woman scientist using microscope

Our Goal

The goal of the Translational Research Program is to be able to create a personalized treatment plan for each patient based on their unique circumstances and individual molecular profile; thereby defining the new standard of patient care by improving outcomes and reducing costs at Lahey Hospital & Medical Center

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bio-tech-innovation science illustration

From Bench to Bedside

Translational research focuses on applying the findings of fundamental research in the laboratory [bench] and in pre-clinical studies into practical clinical [bedside] applications for patients.

Translational research is sometimes called “bench to bedside” work because it involves innovative research at the molecular or cellular level with the goal of finding new ways to ultimately treat patients at the bedside. New biologic discoveries are made through translational research resulting in improved patient care: drug therapies, state-of-the-art medical devices, and advanced diagnostics are just a few examples of the symbiotic work from bench to bedside.

Collaborative Efforts

At Lahey Hospital & Medical Center, scientists and physicians collaborate on translational research paving the way for future health care treatments. Lahey Health’s Translational Research Program fosters collaborations between ‘bench’ scientists and clinicians to promote our mission to:

  1. Understand the cellular and molecular biology of diseases
  2. Translate laboratory discoveries into clinical applications for patients in areas of diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutics

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